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Grace and Peace Brothers!


Praying all is well. Just wanted to drop you both a note. My online women's conference is coming up June 25th through 27th.  I am wondering if you would share the flyer in the next CSMI newsletter.  The conference is by love offering that people can sow at the time they register. All info is on the flyer.


Second, during the conference we'd like to have some CSMI artists join us in our Conference Facebook Group to live stream a couple of songs.  Artists can be men or women, we're looking for about three or four who'd like to come on and share a few songs.  Could you possibly share that as well?


Lastly, I am planning out my monthly prayer call for hope and healing that I do every month.  I was wondering if you could announce that we are seeking a guest artist for July through December.  It's one artist per event, they just come on the phone and share two songs and we pray.  It takes about an hour.


Anyone interested can email me directly at


Oh... one last thing, I'm trying to reach out to Olivia Conn... do you have contact info to share?


thanks so much and let me know if you have any questions or if you need me to rewrite these as announcements for the newsletter directly if they are eligible for inclusion.


Many Blessings!


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